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About me

I am an Associate Professor in Algorithms at University of Bergen, Norway. My research focus is on finding new ways to solve computationally hard problems via imposing structure on instances. I am passionate about fundamental graph-theoretic and matrix-based problems that are used as building blocks in modern applications.

Open PhD position

There is an open call for a PhD student to start under my supervision in Autumn 2025. See details and apply on Jobbnorge until March 30. Feel free to contact me for any questions regarding the position.

Selected publications

See all publications on DBLP .

Tree Containment Above Minimum Degree is FPT

Fedor V. Fomin, Petr A. Golovach, Danil Sagunov, Kirill Simonov

SODA 2024

Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Maximum Colored Path and Beyond

Fedor V. Fomin, Petr A. Golovach, Tuukka Korhonen, Kirill Simonov, Giannos Stamoulis

SODA 2023

A Parameterized Theory of PAC Learning

Cornelius Brand, Robert Ganian, Kirill Simonov

AAAI 2023

The Complexity of k-Means Clustering when Little is Known

Robert Ganian, Thekla Hamm, Viktoriia Korchemna, Karolina Okrasa, Kirill Simonov

ICML 2022

Parameterized Algorithms for Upward Planarity

Steven Chaplick, Emilio Di Giacomo, Fabrizio Frati, Robert Ganian, Chrysanthi N. Raftopoulou, Kirill Simonov

SoCG 2022

My journey

  1. Associate Professor, University of Bergen

    Bergen, Norway

  2. Postdoctoral Researcher, Hasso Plattner Institute

    Potsdam, Germany

  3. Postdoctoral Researcher, TU Wien

    Vienna, Austria

  4. PhD Candidate, University of Bergen

    Bergen, Norway

  5. BSc/MSc Student, Saint Petersburg State University

    Saint Petersburg, Russia

Kirill Simonov